Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why San Antonio? WHY NOT!!!

JOHN - Over a year ago, I was sitting in one of my C & I classes, and Dr. Hatch came in to talk to the class about student teaching. Even though I was more than a year away from starting it, he wanted all of us to give some thought on where we'd like to student teach. He mentioned South Dakota on an Indian reservation, England (for El. Ed. majors) and San Antonio. Well, I was immediately intrigued by San Antonio because I have always wanted to spend some time there. Plus, I am a huge Texas Longhorns football fan (Hook 'em Horns!!), so I thought that this was the ideal opportunity for me to finally go to a home game. When the time came to make a decision on where to student teach, San Antonio was the only placed I even considered. After talking with Margie Irwin and her talking-up the program, I became very excited. When I found out Jayma wanted to go too, that made my decision even more concrete.

One thing to note: I was not scheduled to student teach until spring 2010. However, when Jayma told me of her interest, I decided to take more classes, a couple of mini-mesters and summer courses so I could join her in fall 2009. I am happy with my decision and am loving it here so far.

Another thing: I am using this blog to promote this opportunity and to encourage other future student teachers to consider coming to San Antonio. In another post, I will discuss cost of the apartment, travel time from Illinois, and cost of living here in San Antonio. I hope ISU will continue to showcase San Antonio as an exciting opportunity. It sure as heck beats student teaching in Naperville!!

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