JOHN - For the next two days, school was going to be running the same way. In the mornings, each teacher had to attend four, 45-minute seminars. In the afternoon, we could go back to working in our individual classrooms. However, today, the 7th and 8th grade teachers were hosting an open house that night so it was going to make for a long day!
The seminars were pretty good. Each one focused on something different. PBS, the one that Mrs. Schiebel conducted and used my awesome powerpoint, was the first one I attended. It focused on student behavior and incentive program for students. It encouraged more positive behavior instead of focusing on the consequences of negative behavior. Plus, everyone seemed to enjoy my powerpoint and Mrs. Schiebel was sure to mention me each time!! Some of the other sessions I attended involved making the classroom more engaging, getting-to-know you activities and formative assessment. I took a little something away from each session and I think this is something each school should put on.
In the afternoon, Mrs. Schiebel and I scrambled to finish decorating the classroom for the night's open house. However, before all of that, we had to run over to Jayma's school and meet our student teaching coordinator, Margie Irwin. She is a nice lady who asked Jayma and I why we wanted to be student teachers. She seems very interested in us becoming successful teachers and I am excited to be working with her this semester.
After going home and changing and heading back to school, it was time for the open house. Here's how it worked. All of our first period students were to come to the classroom with their parents. At 7:00, the principal was going to come on the tv and introduce the administrative staff and counselors. She then went over a few things. After she was done, Mrs. Schiebel introduced herself and talked about the Survivor-themed classroom. She went on to explain some of the classroom expectations and some of the paperwork the parents need to fill out. Lastly, she introduced me and I had a chance to talk for a bit. I was little nervous talking in front of the parents but everyone was very welcoming. After about 20 minutes, the first period parents were dismissed and headed to their students other teachers' classrooms. Throughout the remainder of the night, I met a lot of my students' parents as they came in and out of the classroom. It was really cool to finally be meeting some of my students and this only got me more psyched to finally be teaching!!
After that, I went home and crashed. I think I only saw Jayma for 5 minutes that day.
PICS: Here are some more of my classroom.
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