Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday, August 24 - Students finally arrive!!

JOHN - Today was the first day of school with the students!! Truth be told, I was a little nervous. I didn't sleep well but I don't know if it was due to nerves or the fact that I dreamt of a tarantula crawling through my hair. What's even more funny, it's not like this is my first time in a classroom. I have substitute taught almost 200 days and have spent numerous hours just observing for my C & I classes. However, this was a different situation. I was going to be spending 4 months with these students and I was going to be teaching them day in and day out.

When I arrived at school, Mrs. Schiebel and I went over the days activities and what was needing to be covered. I have to give props to Mrs. Schiebel. She was very calm, collected, organized and raring to go. I think it just goes to show you that years of experience and a passion for your job makes you prepared for anything.

When the first hour students arrived, Mrs. Schiebel met them at the door to make sure they had their vaccinations. Any students who didn't have their shots were not allowed in class and had to go to the cafeteria. NISD has a strict "No shots, no school" rule and they were going to abide by that. As the students entered the room, they came to me for their table placement. Mrs. Schiebel decided to place the students in their group by alphabetical order for the first six weeks. It just helps her and me get to know the names and students better.

After going over the obligatory classroom expectations, Mrs. Schiebel showed the students this cool dice trick. I can guarantee you that I am going to use that somewhere in my teaching. Only one student (all day) figured out the trick. After that, we played a number of "name" games which helped us begin to learn the names of our students. Mrs. Schiebel allowed me the opportunity to participate in the classroom activities and interact with the students.

Tomorrow, the students are going to start naming their tribes and choosing their mascots. Today was a great day and I think everyday will be something new and challenging.

BTW, the first day is somewhat chaotic. There are students running around, trying to find their classrooms. Administration is trying to get everything organized, teachers are trying to getting to know the students and the students are trying to take it all in. What a great time to be a teacher!!

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