Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 2 of School (Aug. 31 - Sept. 4)

JOHN - I first want to apologize for not updating this blog as often as I would like. Jayma too. But I always said that when I started this blog, I didn't want writing about life to take precedent over actually living it. But I have a couple of hours so here I go.

The second week of school was pretty interesting. I have taken up more responsibility inside the classroom. I have started teaching at least one class period each day. Usually it's 8th period and I also teach off Mrs. Schiebel's lesson plans. I am still in the process of getting to know the in's and out's of RMS and all of the students.

During that second week, it was business as usual in the school. There were days where I'd help make copies. Mostly it was a week of watching, observing, learning and helping out when I could. I can't say this enough but being there at the beginning of the school year is so much better than coming in during the middle of one. I did that when I completed my clinical observations I just didn't get a good feel for the classroom. I know, for some, it's not possible to be able to student teach at the beginning of a school year. I just feel there is an advantage to it.

Week 3 is much more exciting and I will talk in greater depth about that in a couple of blogs.

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