Sunday, September 13, 2009

Parachute concert at the Scout Bar

JOHN - Jayma and I decided to go to yet another concert but this time, right here in San Antonio. Jayma's old roommate and our good friend, Stephanie, introduced us to Parachute a few months ago and we became fans. We decided that since Parachute was opening for Secondhand Serenade, we would get to see two good acts for under $20. Plus, one of the teachers at my school spoke highly of Scout Bar so I definitely wanted to check it out.

On the day of the concert, Jayma had a parent orientation that night at here school. We knew we were going to miss the opening acts but were pretty sure we'd make it on time to see Parachute and S.S.

I ended up picking up Jayma from her school around 7:45 and we headed up to Scout Bar. What should've taken us only 15 minutes to get there took us over an hour. We ended up getting lost on the way. Let me say this about S.A.'s highway system...since when does going north mean you're going west? ARGH!!! Anyway, after asking for directions twice, we ended up arriving at Scout Bar right at 9:00. We walked in the door and there was Parachute, on stage, tuning up. We arrived right on time!!!

The Scout Bar is a large bar with a stage. It felt like a very likely and clean bar. There were autographed guitars on all the walls from the bands that had played there. Bands such as Collective Soul, Creed, and Soundgarden had all performed there at one time or another. The great thing about it was that it didn't feel crowded at all. There were probably a couple hundred people there at the most.

Parachute performed a great, 45-minute set. Jayma and I got some great pics and video. We wanted to make sure we got lots of footage for Steph. After Parachute was done, S.S. came out and announced they weren't going to be performing due to an illness to the lead singer. However, he was going to be signing autographs and taking pics. Plus, everyone was going to be receiving a refund!! This concert ended up costing us NOTHING!! Well, we did have a few drinks but we would've done that anyway!

As the Parachute singer was on stage, after the show, Jayma yelled to him to keep playing. He looked up and smiled. We ended up getting pics of the lead singer of S.S., Parachute and one of the opening acts, The Rust. Even though we didn't see The Rust, all of the guys came out and talked. They were really cool. We told them we were from Illinois and asked if they were heading towards Chicago anytime soon. I ended up buying their cd which they autographed for me. Believe it or not, it turned out to be a pretty good album. Anyway, we had a great time, and got to once again meet and party with more rockstars!!

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